January 7, 2011

Black Tigrex


Black Tigrex is a darker subspecies of the original Tigrex, but boasting even more aggressiveness and destruction. Also of note are its charge using its developed limbs and blows from its powerful claws and jaw, which both boast tremendous power.
The original Tigrex usually lives in Snowy Mountains and Desert in other MH games.
The Black Tigrex is just as difficult as it appears. Its new moves include his rampage charge, at the end of which he produces one of his signature roars. Other new attacks include a fake-out charge to outsmart hunters, a lunging quickspin, and an even greater roar attack. Hunters have ample warning to evade or guard this attack, as the Black Tigrex will take a deep inhalation before performing this roar. It most often uses these attacks when enraged. Im really expecting some good armor skills in it's armor.

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